Sefirat Ha'Omer, Actualizing Your Potential | Webinar Replay
Apr 19, 2023
5 ways to Regain Harmony Within Yourself and Your Relationships. By implementing these tools, you will have more inner peace, serenity, and wholeness within yourself and those you love.
The period we are currently in is called "Sefirat Ha'Omer"; it is an auspicious time to tap into the blockages that prevent us from going forward in our lives and discovering the magnificence of our soul's potential.
In this webinar, I share 5 ways to regain harmony within yourself and your relationships. In this webinar, I share practical tips and tools for finding harmony through the Kabbalistic teachings of the Sefirot. By implementing these tools, you will have more inner peace, serenity, and wholeness within yourself and those you love.
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