Antisemitism: Exploring the Origins and Understanding the Hatred
Nov 30, 2023
Antisemitism: Exploring the Origins and Understanding the Hatred
Join us in our discussion as we unravel the roots of antisemitism, tracing back to the narratives of Isaac and Yishmael, Jacob and Eisav, and the pivotal moment of the giving of the Torah on Mount Sinai. Explore the spiritual dimensions that contribute to the enduring question: Why does Eisav harbor hatred towards Jacob, and how can we transcend this ingrained animosity? In this class, we examined the historical annals to identify the two general forms of antisemitism, gaining valuable insights that resonate with the challenges faced throughout history. Let's uncover the wisdom embedded in these ancient stories and draw lessons to navigate the complexities of antisemitism in our world today. Dive into Parsha Va'yishlach as we delve into the profound encounter between Jacob and Eisav. Uncover the layers of meaning behind the Torah's statement, "Eisav kissed Jacob," with insights from Rabbi Shimon Bar Yochai, who suggests that, despite an inherent animosity, a moment of genuine love was revealed.
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