Entering the Divine Hug ❤️ The Loving Embrace of the Succah
Sep 28, 2023
Nothing is more powerful than the feeling of the loving embrace of the Creator. The truth is that we are ALWAYS lovingly embraced and held. We are often distracted, worried, and confused, as well as many other emotions that prevent us from feeling this constant loving truth.
The holiday of Succot is celebrated after Yom Kippur when we let go of our cumbersome, emotionally charged packages. At this point, we are clean, clear, and intention-filled to bring who and what we are into the new year.
The Zohar says that entering the Succah is likened to entering a six-sided cube of the Divine emanations- the Sefirot, while WE are in the center representing Malchut- kingship and the here and now.
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