Harmony in Duality- The Mystery of the Half-Shekel
Mar 08, 2024
The Zohar teaches that we are comprised of the spiritual higher self, which is called our "other half." We are also comprised of our lower ego-centric self. We are interested in uplifting the ego self by utilizing the power of choice and observation.
This Shabbat is the first of four special Torah readings that spiritually prepare us for the holidays of Purim and Passover. The Zohar says that it corresponds to the four-letter name of G-d.
This week, we read the additional Torah portion called Shekelaim, or the half-shekel coin. This half-shekel was collected as both a census and a donation to the Mishkan—the Tabernacle.
Why was a half Shekel asked for and not a full Shekel?
We are all halves of a greater collective whole.
In this class, we will explore the deeper meanings of the half-Shekel coin as they apply to us in our lives.
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