What is the difference between Destiny and Fate?

courage inner vibe parsha pinchas Jul 26, 2024

What is the difference between Destiny and Fate?   Many of us think we know what these words mean. What is the actual definition and difference between the two?  

In this week's Torah portion- Pinchas, we learn about the division of the land of Israel to the tribes. This division was done by the casting of lots and via the Divine spirit.

The casting of lots is called Go'ral in Hebrew or fate.  Each tribe had its fateful inheritance.  As it is in land there is in person. We all have our potential lots, which amounts to our fate. If that is fate what then is destiny?  Join Rabbi Amichai and Live Kabbalah as we delve into this profound Torah concept as we aim to integrate this into our lives.

Listen to this class on our podcast channel: https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/livekabbalah/episodes/What-is-the-difference-between-Destiny-and-Fate-e2mfl5b

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